My First Love...!!

You cannot compare any love to your first love, because when you loved, you loved with innocence and you risked without fear. Because you didn't know what fear was, the thought of heartache was lacking in your daily. When you first loved, you loved purely, without doubt and hesitation. You loved, uneducated and unaware. You loved without knowing what love was. And it would be awfully unfair to compare any love to your first love, because from then and always on, you will search for that familiar voice in static, emotion in white noise, and magic in reality. And reality is, you'll always have that void and it won't ever be filled because it's there and it exists from experience. And it won't be until you realize that, do you finally understand that falling in love again is and could be far greater because you are so lucky if love find you again, even if it has to force itself into the little crevice you try to fill with needless other unnecessary things. Because this time, you are aware, educated and knowing. Because if you really do ever fall in love again, you can differentiate between real and lust, and if it is real, you better know how to love and what  is to be loved.

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